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Yoga on Melrose ® 8500 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90069 1(800) 700-YOGA PRESS HERE FOR A DOWNLOADABLE REPORT VERSION OF THE VITAMIN & LIFESTYLE TIPSHEET VITAMIN/LIFESTYLE TIPS. CHECK THESE WITH YOUR DOCTOR ©1997 yoga on melrose all rights reserved. Save these to hard disk as it is 7 pages mostly single-spaced information... or, browse on. . . 10/97 revision. I take the following formula once per day (plus or minus), with my biggest meal or divide in 1/2 with two largest meals: 2 Twinlab 2-per-day caps, no iron; or 4 Natrol's My Favorite
Multiple no iron(1) (vitamin/mineral supp.). Take supplements each and every day. If you wish to stop, you should taper off gradually to avoid "rebound" (sub-clinical deficiency state); so, take every other day for a week then every third day for a week to taper-off gradually. Also, you may start the program gradually. Vary brands with each bottle, noting contents carefully and comparing them. Storage. Store vitamins in a cool dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat. Close bottles tightly, in 'fridge. Also store all foods in air tight manner. Buy smaller packages if you don't intend to use the quantities in the larger sizes. When in doubt, throw it out. Food. Enjoy a balance of quality carbohydrates including fresh fruit & vegetables, and their juices, quality protein, and fat of the mono-unsaturated kind (includes olive oil, avocado, almonds, plus fish oil) . Use soy protein powder or milk/egg protein powder depending on your taste, to balance the high carb. juices. Eat with a few almonds. Vary organic fruits & veggies. Buy a juicer. Start the day with 1-2 pieces of whole organic fruit, balance with low-fat plain unsweetened yogurt (or non-fat yogurt with a few almonds). Read "The Zone" by Dr. Barry Sears. Sweetened yogurts are out of balance (too much sugar) Use 1/2 sweetened & 1/2 non-fat at first. See "ZONE" notes, following for more info on which carbs, fats & proteins are recommended as high food quality. Try wheatgrass juice. Must be drunk slowly & immediately after its has been made. Swish in mouth for oral health. Very high in vitamins, minerals & life force. Drink 1 oz daily on empty stomach for cleansing, detoxing for a week or two every season. This detox routinely makes people first queasy then high including seeing rainbow auras around everything. Fat: You must eat fat to burn fat; you must eat fat to synthesize Happy Healing Hormones. Eat a medium-low-fat diet; no margarine; no safflower or corn oil, no oil high in polyunsaturated fat, no hydrogenated oil (check labels: this excludes nearly all commercial "snack" foods.) (use only fresh extra virgin olive oil. Bertolli is good. Fresh butter is ok sparingly, especially organic. try kosher.4). Don't ever completely eliminate fat. see "ZONE" notes (following) for further info on fats. The super simple three rules master live-it diet: 1.Fruit for breakfast with protein & fat in reasonable balance. 2.Sensible lunch (this is the time to take supplements). 3. Light balanced dinner early in the evening. Don't go to sleep with undigested food in your stomach. Each and every snack based on Zone principles. Basic zone principal: all meals and snacks must contains protein, fat & carbs in reasonable & near-equal balance, or you're out of the fat-burning, feel-good zone. Use Garlic with food sometimes. Raw is best. Homemade guacamole & salsa (or store bought) spiked with one or two crushed raw cloves. Experiment with spices and foods: what gives you a tonic feeling? Salad dressing: three parts olive oil (only oil you should use), one part lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. Add crushed raw garlic & shallots, oregano, salt & pepper). Cruciferous vegetables in rotating servings: (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot.). Also make your organic salad with many colors of vegetables: leafy greens, yellow veggies (yams, squash, carrot, sweet potatoes, raw red peppers, purple onions, avocado, mushrooms). Deep-water fish 1 time or more per week (in order of highest content of beneficial EPA OMEGA-3 Fish oil): Mackerel, Herring, Bluefish, Salmon, Tuna, Cod, Shrimp, Flounder, Haddock, Swordfish. Seaweed. Use deep sea fish oil for supplemental essential fatty acids. Other good food: Nonfat yogurt (alta-dena is real creamy), legumes, wheat germ, high fiber cereal, tofu, miso soup, oatmeal, sprouts, organic produce, organic soy milk, organic fruits and vegetables. Meat-eaters: eat organic, hormone-free lean beef from Mrs. Gooch's or her organic, hormone-free chicken. Try kosher. Remove skin from free-range, organic chicken. Use consciously raised & handled meat. Red wine is good with meats. (Just 1 glass.) Red has 20-200 times the anti-oxidant power of white wine. Non-drinkers get their OPC by supplement (see above). Pray over your food before eating & while cooking. Everyone should pray over their meals especially if eating meat, pray over your meals. Kosher meat has the advantage of rabbinic supervision over the process of sacraficing the animals, including compassionate handling, prayer, and inspection of the meat and handling process. Water. Only quality bottled water, never tap, at least 8 glasses of water per day (juice counts). Vary brands. Arrowhead, Canadian, Evian, Calistoga, Bourassa, Vittel. Blue plastic leeches its flavor so use glass best, or second best clear plastic. Some specialists recommend home distilling (may imbalance trace and macro minerals if not supplemented adequately) , or filtration (combine reverse osmosis which wastes lots of water, and/or carbon granules: which must be replaced on schedule or they can get moldy) Best bet seems to be call "Beverage Warehouse" for free delivery on orders of bottled water over $100. Brings price to about $0.50 per 1.5 liter bottle on some popular spring water brands. Store in cool place with no sunlight. Try mint tea. Try Green tea (Asian). Try American Ginseng tea. Eliminate Coffee/caffeine addiction. No No's Some artificial preservatives may actually act as antioxidants in the body, but their use is experimental in humans. Your call. Read Life Extension & Life Extension Companion by Pearson & Shaw. I say use natural preservatives. Sorry: no barbecue. No smoked meats (no bacon, most cold cuts). This also means be sure to have high blood levels of antioxidants when you choose to break the rule and indulge in these foods.5 Men take no iron by way of supplement (unless doc says to). Women use chelated not elemental iron supplement, as part of a balanced mineral supplement. No "base metal" piercing, especially in mouth. Holistic dentistry. Consider Cancer information in the book "Cure to All Cancers" at Bodhi Tree. - - - - - - - - - - No smoking of anything. Smoking is the #1 preventable cause of death. Tobacco smokers decrease smoking gradually, start by limiting smoke then only 1 after each meal. Then drop the 1. Use White Flower Smoking Cure with Visualization Training. Talk to Stewart. Herb smokers shift to herb cookies immediately instead of smoke. Cookies are much easier to quit and/or put into moderation than smoke.6 - - - - - - - - - - AIR CLEANERS. Ionizers, forced air filters, HEPA. Try BIONAIRE. Also, leave window open all the time, esp. at night, even in winter. No heaters on at night in house. Never use propane heaters. Vent to outdoors or close doors to kitchen, water heater, and heater to contain un-vented gas combustion fumes. Buy pilot-less equipment. No petroleum distillate cleaners in the home or office. Includes most commercial polishes and dust sprays. Buy natural alternatives. Toiletries Try natural essential oils for scents instead of commercial perfumes. No aluminum pans, no food in aluminum foil, no aluminum salts in anti-perspirants, no aluminum soda cans. Has been linked to Alzheimer's disease. No "natural crystal" rock deodorant: contains aluminum. Buy natural alternative. Try Borlind BODY LIND with no Aluminum and no Propyl Alcohols --yet it works! (its about $20 per bottle). Don't use "antiperspirant" which blocks the function of the glands. Instead you may use deodorant. Deodorant is a bugaboo issue: most either contain artificial and possibly poisonous chemicals, even the "natural" ones use propylene glycol, etc. In the US, the cultural mindset seems to reject the natural smell of a clean human being, complete with its pheromones, and instead endorses using sex gland secretions from animals in most perfumes. Some yoga practitioners who have had especially long practice and real detoxification seem to have a better natural perfume by just being clean than any product. Investigate this issue and report back if you dare!!! No heavy metals or anything else you wouldn't eat in makeup. Use Aveda. "Hypo-allergenic" is not good enough; label must list no artificial substances or substances you don't understand. How about no makeup? No hairspray or other aerosols. No nail polish. Painting nails means consuming acetone and other poison solvents by absorption and by their fumes every week for decades. This is very toxic. Also ruins the nails. Make the choice now to eliminate such chemicals from your routine. Exercise: 40-75 minutes per day of any type, especially YOGA with proper breathing plus meditation and visualization. Fasting: Juice fast ; master cleanser is 8 oz water with juice of 1/2 lemon, Tablespoon of Maple syrup and dash of cayenne pepper; get details from Bodhi Tree, your health care practitioner and/or yoga teacher--check with doc. Follow instructions exactly. Start with 1/2 day fast. Seasonal tonic. Body work. Massage self and others. Stimulate soles of feet with stiff brush every day in shower.7 Positive mental attitude. Meditation. Laughter8. Prayer. Visualization: use 3-lights, Red & White light Tibetan visualizations: see Stewart. Gentleness.
--------------------------------- BY POPULAR DEMAND: MY
ATTEMPT AT SUMMARIZING THE ZONE principles of the "zone";
better yet read the book by Barry Sears, PhD pasta w/vegetables & parmesan------ eat smaller portion; eat with a chicken breast Burger King cheeseburger----- eat open-face (omit 1 bread portion) chicken breast w/no skin------ add salad with olive oil dressing, add wheat roll or serving of broccoli coffee (count as carbohydrate) ---------- not on empty stomach, but after protein, fat pizza --------- eat crust & cheese& toppings (low fat mozzarella, veggies, meat) throw out 75% of the bread; eat only 1-2 healthy slices, have a salad w olive oil dressing steak & potato & salad------ trim excess fat from steak, reduce steak to size of your hand (ie like one chicken breast). Eat 1/2 potato, with non-fat sour cream & chives. have salad with olive oil dressing make sure to have your anti-oxidant mix with this meal; switch to chicken or fish instead of red meat Carb rich food -------- reduce portion; balance with serving of non- fat yogurt, good fat as needed General ZONE tips: smaller portions; balance carb/protein/fat; replace animal fat with olive oil/avocado/almonds(mono-unsaturated fat)/fish oil; don't wait till "hungry" to eat; eat 3 meals & 2 snacks all in the zone; you need to eat fat to burn fat.
Try it and with the yoga and report back! Once you experience the pattern of these principles it
is second nature to balance every meal and snack. ENDNOTES: 1 A medium potency blend of vitamins & minerals rich in anti-oxidants. Please have your physician examine the label to verify that this mix is appropriate for you. Newest info is that men need no supplemental iron, women check with doc. Get at Mrs. Gooch. 2 Has anti-tumor properties, strengthens immune system. Rich in sulfur-containing amino acids. Still, eat real garlic, too. 3 A blend of herbs, nuts and fruits; tablets and spoonable honey nectar. 4 Purchase small sized glass bottles to avoid rancid oil. Refrigerate. Discard one month after opening. 5 Both are high in nitrates; note however that adequate vitamin c may block the uptake of nitrosamines (the metabolite of nitrates which causes illness). 6 See Dr. Andrew Weil's Chocolate to Morphine re: advantages of eating rather than smoking herbs. 7 Brush entire surface of bottom of each foot back and forth seven times. Stimulates, balances energies. 8 A good laugh is worth approx. $5,000 worth of Interferon/Interleuken. See Dr. Deepok Chopra's Timeless Body/Ageless Mind. ©2002 yoga on melrose all rights reserved Information in this document is provided for informational
purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided
by your own physician or other medical professional. You should
not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating
a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You
should read carefully all product packaging. If you have or suspect
that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health
care provider. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements
have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and
are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
copyright 2002 yoga on melrose all rights reserved yoga on melrose
is a registered trademark and service mark.
Yogi Stewart Richlin's yoga instruction at Yoga on Melrose is one of the Supermodels' "Secrets of Victoria's Secret" -- E! Television Yogi Stewart is "The Yoganator!" -- The Blind Date TV show Yogi Stewart's instruction at Yoga on Melrose is "Energizing and Healing." -- Los Angeles Times "Are you stressed out, are you burned out, are you out of shape? It's never too late to turn it all around. . . Stewart has a unique way of connecting with his students. Stewart is my man." -- NBC-TV NEWS "Gives yoga its due process. " -- Yoga Journal "Yogi Stew: The King of All Yoga" -- M-TV |
Yogi Stewart Richlin "synthesizes action-oriented forms of Hatha and Taoist yoga with the meditative Tibetan style. " -- Whole Life Times "Yogi Stewart Richlin, who founded Yoga on Melrose, says if you work hard, play hard and party hard it's a good idea to spend some time on the restorative practices of yoga. " -- P.O.V. For Men "Editor's Pick " -- Looksmart.com "In each class, Richlin leads students through an intense workout that builds toward stillness and meditation. " -- L.A. Weekly "You've transformed yourself. " -- Oxygen Picky.com . Breathing Expert Yogi Stew says: Yogi Stew, who shared his yoga system with Janet Jackson,
LeAnn Rimes, Slash, Linda Ducett, Linda Hunt, Molly Ringwold,
Pauly Shore, and thousands of students in his studio now gives
meditation instructions to teeny boppers! "Get in the Groove with Yogi Stewart Richlin. " -- About.com |
Yoga on Melrose is "Energizing & Healing Yoga" -Los Angeles TimesYogi Stewart Richlin is the "King of All Yoga" - M tv Yogi Stewart Richlin is the "Supermodel Secret"- E!tv | Our yoga program is for you! Yoga Los Angeles is the perfect antidote to the stress , Our Yoga Rocks! we love yahoo, google, metacrawler, and direct hit | We are close to Beverly Hills and West Hollywood, too. "Combines yoga and pop culture to create a unique form" - E-fit.Keep your health, your greatest wealth. |
Our public yoga classes are good for all levels, combining postures, breathing and meditation according to ancient, tried and proven techniques which energize and heal.
Please consider yourself welcome to join us anytime....how about today or tonite?
copyright 2002 yoga on melrose all rights reserved yoga on melrose is a registered trademark and service mark.