yoga on melrose ® "Yogi Stew: King of all yoga." -- M-TV. "It's never too late to turn it all around. . . " -- NBC-TV NEWS "Gives yoga its due process. " -- Yoga Journal Yogi Stewart Richlin "synthesizes action-oriented forms of Hatha and Taoist yoga with the meditative Tibetan style. " -- Whole Life Times ". . . an intense workout that builds toward stillness and meditation. " -- L.A. Weekly
SECURE SHOPPING CARTS FOR YOUR PROTECTION ... 8500 Melrose Ave., #201 Los Angeles, CA 90069 800.700.9642 310.360.0082 |
![]() Yogi Stew credits yoga for melting 40 lbs of fat and healing his backaches, headaches & neckaches. VIDEO IS DIFFERENT...VERY DETAILED VISUAL AND VERBAL DESCRIPTIONS, EASY TO FOLLOW FLOW, ADAPTS TO ANY LEVEL, JUST GO AS FAR AS YOU CAN EACH TIME!
Drop In Class Schedule,
for advance notice of closed classes.
Supermodels' "Secrets
of Victoria's Secret" -- E! Television "Yogi Stew: King of all yoga." -- M-TV. "It's never too late to turn it all around. . . " -- NBC-TV NEWS "Gives yoga its due process. " -- Yoga Journal Yogi Stewart Richlin "synthesizes action-oriented forms of Hatha and Taoist yoga with the meditative Tibetan style. " -- Whole Life Times ". . . an intense workout that builds toward stillness and meditation. " -- L.A. Weekly "Get in the Groove with Yogi Stew. " -- Yogi Stew: "the Yoganator" -- Blind Date TV show "You've transforned yourself..." "Reader-rated #1 yoga expert 12/2000" "Richlin, who founded Yoga on Melrose, says if you work hard, play hard and party hard it's a good idea to spend some time on the restorative practices of yoga. " -- POV Magazine for Men Come in today! Join us and benefit from our unique lineage of longevity-increasing and stress-reducing yoga practices. ![]() Check out Yogi on M-TV's Jackass, |
We Offer private instruction by appointment as well as public classes every day. Beginners are welcome and encouraged. Each class is a combination of soft and harder yogas, constantly changing but consistent and learnable, our various "flows" of movements combine postures, breathing and meditation in one.
You may check Mailbox "3" on our voice mail for advance notice of closed classes. Teacher's color code is Ceci Stewart Lorayne |
DROP INS WELCOME!! All of these classes are good for all levels. All combine Postures, Breathing & Meditation. All classes are good for all levels, with our blend hard and soft yoga.
GENERAL TIPS: Please don't eat for 2-4 hours before class. Drink plenty of fluids up to 1 1/2 hours before class.
TUITION: One class is $16. 10-class card is $115. Twenty classes for $200.
One month pass unlimited (one class per day) is $145, then $125 for the second month, then $80/month therafter.
PRIVATE INSTRUCTION BY APPOINTMENT. Please call for your private, semiprivate and corporate appointment.
For your convenience, we accept VISA and MASTERCARD as well as cash & checks for payment.
Parking $1.50 with validation, park under the building, enter on La Cienega.
Call us at 1 (800) 700-YOGA or click on our e-mail address to contact us:
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