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 8500 Melrose Ave., Suite 201

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Los Angeles, CA 90069




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Press Here to Ask the Yogi (tm)

*Q: I was wondering about when yoga was conceived and its relationship to Buddism. Thank you.

*A: Thanks for writing.
Yoga was conceived infinitly long ago by the primordial Buddha, the father/mother, the ancient of ancients, and it was the charriot of the creation, joining together opposites, for the joy of union splitting apart only to reconnect on every level!
The Buddha, Shakyamuni, who first turned the wheel of stainless and ultimate enlightenment teachings in this era, was himself a yoga practitioner and a yoga teacher and yoga student.
It was after a five year purification with yogis in the forest that the young renunciate prince sat beneath the bodhi tree for 40 days during which he realized his enlightenment.
At that time the Buddha realized the interdependent links of causation, which are 12, the noble truths, which are 4, and the spokes of the law, which are 8.
If you want to know more about yoga, check out my site at http://yogaonmelrose.com.
If you want to know more about Buddhism, look for these books:
Life of the Buddha for the Common Man.
Jewel Ornament of Liberation
Yogi Stewart

*Q: I'm about 100 pounds overweight. I'm relatively young, but I'm not nearly as healthy as I would like to be (not to mention how I'd like to look). I have Richard Hittleman's 28-day plan (my parents gave me their book from the 70's), and I have loved the way yoga makes me feel. But I am finding the weight gets in the way of certain positions, like the modified headstand. Some days I just wake up with an ache or pain somewhere, and I can't do very much of the routines at all.
I thought yoga might help my body function better so that I could focus on health and weight loss *and* make the process easier for myself. But I'm frustrated. And I'm way too embarrassed to call attention to myself in a yoga class or something like that.
Any suggestions for what I might try, either physically or mentally?

*A: Yes! yoga will definitely help.
I myself lost 40 lbs and eliminated fa from my body, doing yoga and yoga alone, no diet.
The body is like a traditional science experiement in "inertia." An object (body) at rest tends to stay at rest and an object (body) in motion tends to stay in motion.
As you begin to move more every day, you will subconsciously start to eat differently.
check out the "zone" tips on my website.
be sure to check with your doctor before commencing yoga or any form of exercise, and before following my advise in any manner!! you are responsible for your own body, speech and mind!
You will also find much solace in meditation and should learn that as soon as possible. There is a brief guided meditation in the yogaonmelrose video.
Yogi Stew

*Q: What is the right type of yoga asan for asthmatics?

*A: Hi you should first get the blessing of your health care practitioner before commencing yoga. Then, get personaized instruction from a real yoga master who has experience in assisting students with specialized mecical conditions.
You want to re-educate your breathing response, using the yogic system called pranayama or breath/life-force control.
A series of poses will be good for you, there's not just one best yoga asana for asthmatics.
As for a sitting position, the best would be the vajra or diamond pose, sitting on the knees and heels with the legs tucked under so the butt rests on the heels. In this position you can easily adjust your tail bone/pelvic tilt angle so that your chest becomes big and your head centers over your neck.
Then, practice deep yogic breathing, in and out through the nose, from the base of the stomach fill with air, then fill higher and higher into the ribs, chest, and until your collar bones lift. You may start with a breathing count of 5 counts IN, 4 counts HOLD lightly, 9 counts EXHALE slowly.
Do this for two minutes on the clock, while seated on the ground on a pillow.
Repeat daily, gradually increase the times to 4 and 6 minutes, then twice per day.
Check these instructions with your own yoga teacher and your own physician.
By the way, you are going to be very happy with yoga because many of my students who started with asthma are now non-symptomatic any more!
Best wishes,
Yogi Stew

*Q: How do I reduce my stomach and waist so that I be in proper shape.Is it possible without going to a gym.Please let me know the details.

*A: Of Course! I never set foot in a gym, and I lost 40 lbs and reshaped my whole body without even dieting!
Just do your high energy yoga like in my video and classes.
Spot reduction takes a two part approach.
1.Do some things to localize and utilize muscle groups and this will be good for sculpting and toning, ie, crunches, leg lifts, twists. these can all be done at home and I must modestly admit that these areas are all covered in the video!
2. Change your eating pattern. The eating tips include which fats/carbs/protiens are good and which are bad. check this info out at http://yogaonmelrose.com/ask.htm


*Q: I had a bone scan and was told I have bone lose in my spine. I am loosing my estrogen now and I do not want Osteoperosis. Will Yoga help me build and/or maintain bone?
Linda Scalise

*A: Hello Linda! My experience with the stages toward menopause indicate that you will have a great benefit by doing yoga, as it will move your joints and muscles in a manner which puts weight-bearing onto the bones gently. Gentle weight-bearing exercise will cause your bones to increase their calcium density in response. You might also consider adding calcium to your diet by 1)taking a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral daily with your biggest meal of the day, 2) increasing your dietary intake of fresh vegatables and fruit for general health and especially deep greens for extra calcium, 3)take a calcium supplement with vitamin D (helps "fix" calcium into the bones), 4)drink a glass or two of high-calcium and high soy-isoflavone soy milk (I recommend "edensoy" brand because it has high calcium and protein). The soy has been shown to prevent and/or reverse the symptoms of menopause such as flashes and bone loss. All of the above must be checked by your own doctor, too. You might also use the web to search your condition for more ideas! Make sure your yoga teacher knows you hvae bone loss around the spine, and that you approach all of the exercises gently, not going into any pain or discomfort, guided by the advise of your doctor and teacher!!! Best wishes, and don't worry, you are on the right track.
Best, Yogi Stewart from yogaonmelrose.com . yogistew recommends consulting a doctor.


*Q: I am trying to push myself to be heathier and i was wondering if there is a beginners routine to yoga that took maybe 3 hours out of your week

yogistew gave this response on 10/14/2000:
*A: Three hours a week is plenty for a beginning program, and yes, it will make you feel healthier!
How about getting into that first class, and then continuing every other day for a total of three per week?
My experience is that yoga made me feel high: healthy & happy from the beginning.
Once you start the ball rolling, it will keep rolling and it will be hard to stop it. In other words, once you get started in the world of fitness, the inertia of feeling good will carry you forward and you won't want to stop. The trick is not stopping and keeping your practice up through the yearly seasons, the ups and downs, moving, changing jobs, feeling lazy, holidays, etc.

Best wishes, Yogi Stew


*Q: I have been getting into yoga postures now for five years I have adapted about 30 postures into a way of life.
What I do to go further into it?
By the way, can you levitate?

*A: Show me a yoga teacher who is levitating and I'll show you a yoga teacher who is on a Boeing 737 going to Hawaii !! Some students due to distracting BS on the part of some yogis don't realize that as they are asking how to fly, the masters are on a jet plane! Why? See Castanedas' Teachings of Don Juan for the answer. The yogis fly the way a man flys, not the way a bird flys.

As for your main question, the way to go futher is to seek out teachers who are further than you are.

Another way to go further is to get more specific and scientific in how you are looking at your body and what you are doing and feeling in each pose.

Another way is to study Gray's Anatomy and get to know what is happening physically in your body.

Another way is to meditate or if not initiated, study meditation with a meditation master and ask for initiation.

Another way is to incorporate yoga into your life more.


*Q: What are the benefits of yoga?
*A: The most important result of yoga practice is the amazing
feeling you get: still & focused mind, well-being, serene
strength, poise & confidence, gentle power, compassion,
energy. Physically, my own experience includes having lost
about 40 lbs., and eliminating headache, neckache and
backache from my life. Spiritually, yoga practice is a source of
constant renewal. As for the mind, rigid or primative belief
systems melt away naturally and the mind becomes more
supple. On a glandular level, the system is balanced and
regulated. The body's essences are potentized. The energy grid
of the body is healed, and the quantity and quality of the subtle
energy is improved. To put it simply, get into practice and you
will feel great.

*Q: What is meditation all about/why is it so hard for me?

*A: Meditation is the time one takes to clear one's mind. It is the
mind free of thoughts or conceptual constructs, relaxed and
flowing, luminous, spontaneous, empty, blissful, clear. It is a
state which we may have experienced when observing art,
attending a concert, seeing a sunset, making love, playing with
a child. In meditating we intentionally enter that state of mind
at will. In order to do this we apply certain techniques and
methods which give rise to the clear state of mind. There are
many different schools of meditation and many methods work.
However, all you need is one method which works for you.
One method which is universal is observing the breath.
Another is observing the mind with the mind itself: just
watching thoughts arise, and letting them go without
attachment or aversion to the thoughts, just settling into the
space between the thoughts. Some schools of meditation utilize
mantra or the repetition of sacred sound as a method for
preventing the attachment or aversion to trains of thought. In
particular, in yoga, we utilize postures and breath control to
create the conditions for easier meditation. The yoga postures
and breath control clear the subtle channels of the body and
centralize the energy-winds on which the mind rides. When the
energy winds are centralized and the channels are clear, the
mind is clear.
Various levels of meditation have been described in the
scriptures such as: tranquility, penetrative insight, mahamudra
or greatest bliss beyond transformations, and the stage of
no-meditation or pure awareness/luminosity.
With patient practice everyone can reach these levels. The
majority of students at first feel that meditation is impossible
or that they cannot control or quiet their minds. Later, they
have a glimpse of quiet. Ultimately they have confidence and
experience and practice on which to rely.
Don't worry, as the scriptures say: in the beginning the mind is
like a waterfall, in the middle it is like a river, flowing on slow
and gentle, in the end it is a vast ocean in which the lights of
self and All are one. . . Thank you for writing!

*Q: How long has yoga been around?
*A: Forever! Meditation is as old as the mind itself; fitness of the
body and mind have always been part of initation rites and
spiritual practice. Imitation of animal poses was part of the
silent stealthiness of hunting; part of initation rites of puberty
and the teaching of fitness all the way back before history.
The higher yogas include mindfulness & spirituality teachings,
which have existed since the beginning of time. 2,500 years
ago when Prince Siddhartha left his dad's kingdom to seek
enlightenment, he joined some ascetic yogis for practice. These
yogis practiced a tradition that went back thousands of years at
least. Another example is the kabbalistic tradition which
includes higher yogas, mantra, meditation and visualization, as
well as physical postures and hand gestures (mudra). Also the
Native Americans have an original yoga of movement, dance,
hand gesture. All dance includes some aspects! Thank you for

*Q: How often should I practice yoga?
*A: Once you have tried yoga, you will probably like it. You
will feel an increase in energy and a decrease in stress. So, you
will probably want to do it again. Your own appetite for yoga
should be your guide. In general, it is good to practice daily
and ultimately twice: in the morning and evening, but in the
beginning, we follow our own appetite. If you practice every
other day, that's great. Every third day works great too. Once a
week seems like the minimum and at that rate your progress
will be definate but slow. Any less than once a week is like the
frog who tries to get out of the well. Each morning he crawls
up three bricks, but then falls asleep and falls back three
bricks. Your practice frequency should be guided by your own
experience. The first step is to take that first class and see how
you feel. I'll bet you will love it and then you'll make the time
for yoga practice. It's a sure path to clarity, tranquility, strength and flexibility; it's a very positive "addiction."


*Q: What do you do in a yoga class?
*A: We go through a flow of poses and exercises. The poses
sequentially open up and stretch the spine and other physical
structures of the body, in a gradual way. Each pose prepares
you for the one to come. Each pose relieves you from the one
which came before. Some of the poses include movements and
so strictly should be called exercises. The students generally
feel a release of tension and an increase in strength and
suppleness. Each pose includes breath instruction. Each pose
embraces a different breath, both in terms of the shape of the
lungs and the geometry of the body. This moves life-force
energy through the body in a pattern which relieves stress and
increases the experience of well-being and energy. At the end
of class we briefly practice the mindfulness meditation and
visualization techniques of Tibet in a non-denominational way.
The practice is dedicated to the health and feeling of well-being
of the students. The long-term effect is that each student feels
better and more clear in body, speech and mind. Therefore we
are more useful to our friends, family and community. The
ultimate dedication of our classes is to the total liberation of
everyone in the family of humanity, to total and permanent joy
and to no more suffering.

*Q: What is the point of yoga practice?
*A: Yoga is the art and science of joining together opposites,
in other words, healing imbalance. Yoga is union beyond any
duality of the creation/created/creator or subject/object. Yoga
practice stills the mind.

*Q: What is the hardest yoga pose?
*A: In the words of a highly accomplished yogini (female
yoga master) the most important yoga pose is just to stand on
your own two feet. Remember, the physical yoga asanas
(sanskrit for yoga posture) are just for the purpose of making
the body fit for the higher yogas like breath/lifeforce control
and meditation; thus the search is really not for the hardest
asana, but the easiest asana. When your body is truly at peace
in its physical posture, and you are one with all of creation on
your breath, your spirit will soar and you will know yoga for

Do you have a question? Press here to ask the yogi
©2000 yoga on melrose all rights reserved


yogi stew before & after yoga

Yogi Stew credits yoga for melting 40 lbs of fat and healing
his backaches, headaches & neckaches.
photo courtesy of Oxygen.com and M. McCully ©2000

Our Yoga Video is Good for All Levels

VHS 65 mins. PRESS here to Order $19.95 Yoga on Melrose: COOL & HOT. Just go as far as you can each time. You'll be amazed how far you will come!! All the while losing fat, and feeling great. Over one hour in length, this yoga tape contains a complete practice. Unique flows of poses. Finishes with a non-sectarian meditation to original Tibetan Bell Bowl music with guided imagery television visuals. A good hard workout, original hip hop & ambient music by Yogi Stew. Shot live at Yoga on Melrose.

 Press here to order, $27.00 Sticky Mat. Super Quality Mats for your yoga practice. Protect your joints from pressure, use a professional yoga mat in your practice. Specify your choice of Deep Blue, Royal Purple, Teal Green (not pictured).

Secure Server / All Major Credit Cards. 

Supermodels' "Secrets of Victoria's Secret" -- E! Television

"Energizing and Healing." -- Los Angeles Times

"Yogi Stew: King of all yoga." -- M-TV.

"It's never too late to turn it all around. . . " -- NBC-TV NEWS

"Gives yoga its due process. " -- Yoga Journal

Yogi Stewart Richlin "synthesizes action-oriented forms of Hatha and Taoist yoga with the meditative Tibetan style. "
-- Whole Life Times

". . . an intense workout that builds toward stillness and meditation. "
-- L.A. Weekly

"Get in the Groove with Yogi Stew. "
-- About.com

Yogi Stew: "the Yoganator"
-- Blind Date TV show

"Richlin, who founded Yoga on Melrose, says if you work hard, play hard and party hard it's a good idea to spend some time on the restorative practices of yoga. " -- POV for Men


Who we are. Yoga on Melrose is the heart-child of yogi Stewart Richlin. Stewart was initiated into meditation and first practiced yoga postures as a child. After a sedentary professional life left him 40 lbs. overweight, and with head-ache, back-ache and neck-ache, he resumed his yoga practice in earnest. Then came what Stewart has called a "bliss breakthrough" -- in that moment he realized that, thanks to Yoga, A). his body was peaceful and healed, and 40 extra pounds were gone without dieting and without thinking about it, B). his meditation practice had improved and he felt good again, and C). he wanted to teach yoga full time! Seven years later and thousands of yoga classes later, Yogi Stewart will be honored to share the transformative tools of yoga with you. Stewart teaches privately by appointment as well as public drop-in classes every day.


What we do. We present instruction in the essential practices of yoga. These include postures, exercises, breathing, visualization and meditation. Classes are from 60-75 minutes. Our lineage of yoga originated in India as Hatha Yoga. It was then transmitted to China where a synthesis of Taoist and Hatha Yoga culminated in the main outline of our set. Our program also includes elements of Astanga Yoga, Power Yoga, and Tibetan Yogas. This totally unique style is presented in the traditional manner in private instruction. In public classes, expect a hard workout and lots of music. For a brief period at the end of class, the meditation techniques of Tibet are presented and practiced in a Non-sectarian manner. Our practices have been evolved over thousands of years to heal, sculpt and vitalize the body, speech, mind, heart and soul, glands, organs, bones, muscles, connective tissue, joints, skin, breath & spirit.


Why we do what we do. The goal of our enterprise is to contribute to the health and well-being of our community. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be of service.

Our Yoga Video is Good for All Levels

VHS 65 mins. PRESS here to Order $19.95 Yoga on Melrose: COOL & HOT. Just go as far as you can each time. You'll be amazed how far you will come!! All the while losing fat, and feeling great. Over one hour in length, this yoga tape contains a complete practice. Unique flows of poses. Finishes with a non-sectarian meditation to original Tibetan Bell Bowl music with guided imagery television visuals. A good hard workout, original hip hop & ambient music by Yogi Stew. Shot live at Yoga on Melrose.

 Press here to order, $27.00 Sticky Mat. Super Quality Mats for your yoga practice. Protect your joints from pressure, use a professional yoga mat in your practice. Specify your choice of Deep Blue, Royal Purple, Teal Green (not pictured).

Secure Server / All Major Credit Cards. 

Supermodels' "Secrets of Victoria's Secret" -- E! Television

"Energizing and Healing." -- Los Angeles Times

"Yogi Stew: King of all yoga." -- M-TV.

"It's never too late to turn it all around. . . " -- NBC-TV NEWS

"Gives yoga its due process. " -- Yoga Journal

Yogi Stewart Richlin "synthesizes action-oriented forms of Hatha and Taoist yoga with the meditative Tibetan style. "
-- Whole Life Times

". . . an intense workout that builds toward stillness and meditation. "
-- L.A. Weekly

"Get in the Groove with Yogi Stew. "
-- About.com

Yogi Stew: "the Yoganator"
-- Blind Date TV show

"Richlin, who founded Yoga on Melrose, says if you work hard, play hard and party hard it's a good idea to spend some time on the restorative practices of yoga. " -- POV for Men



Our Yoga Video is Good for All Levels

VHS 65 mins. PRESS here to Order $19.95 Yoga on Melrose: COOL & HOT. Just go as far as you can each time. You'll be amazed how far you will come!! All the while losing fat, and feeling great. Over one hour in length, this yoga tape contains a complete practice. Unique flows of poses. Finishes with a non-sectarian meditation to original Tibetan Bell Bowl music with guided imagery television visuals. A good hard workout, original hip hop & ambient music by Yogi Stew. Shot live at Yoga on Melrose.

 Press here to order, $27.00 Sticky Mat. Super Quality Mats for your yoga practice. Protect your joints from pressure, use a professional yoga mat in your practice. Specify your choice of Deep Blue, Royal Purple, Teal Green (not pictured).

Secure Server / All Major Credit Cards. 

Supermodels' "Secrets of Victoria's Secret" -- E! Television

"Energizing and Healing." -- Los Angeles Times

"Yogi Stew: King of all yoga." -- M-TV.

"It's never too late to turn it all around. . . " -- NBC-TV NEWS

"Gives yoga its due process. " -- Yoga Journal

Yogi Stewart Richlin "synthesizes action-oriented forms of Hatha and Taoist yoga with the meditative Tibetan style. "
-- Whole Life Times

". . . an intense workout that builds toward stillness and meditation. "
-- L.A. Weekly

"Get in the Groove with Yogi Stew. "
-- About.com

Yogi Stew: "the Yoganator"
-- Blind Date TV show

"Richlin, who founded Yoga on Melrose, says if you work hard, play hard and party hard it's a good idea to spend some time on the restorative practices of yoga. " -- POV for Men



Check out Yogi on M-TV's Jackass,
E-TV's Secrets of Victoria's Secret,
and Day in the Life, and on
Blind Date in syndication. Oxygen.com did a profile of Yogi Stew, check it out by pressing here.

















Supermodels' "Secrets of Victoria's Secret" -- E! Television

"Energizing and Healing." -- Los Angeles Times

"Yogi Stew: King of all yoga." -- M-TV.

"It's never too late to turn it all around. . . " -- NBC-TV NEWS

"Gives yoga its due process. " -- Yoga Journal

Yogi Stewart Richlin "synthesizes action-oriented forms of Hatha and Taoist yoga with the meditative Tibetan style. " -- Whole Life Times

". . . an intense workout that builds toward stillness and meditation. " -- L.A. Weekly

"Get in the Groove with Yogi Stew. " -- About.com

Yogi Stew: "the Yoganator" -- Blind Date TV show

"You've transforned yourself..." --Picky.Oxygen.com

"Richlin, who founded Yoga on Melrose, says if you work hard, play hard and party hard it's a good idea to spend some time on the restorative practices of yoga. " -- POV Magazine for Men

Come in today! Join us and benefit from our unique lineage of longevity-increasing and stress-reducing yoga practices.


We Offer private instruction by appointment as well as public classes every day. Beginners are welcome and encouraged. Each class is a combination of soft and harder yogas, constantly changing but consistent and learnable, our various "flows" of movements combine postures, breathing and meditation in one.


Public Drop In Class Schedule,
No Reservations Required


Mon  9am


 6pm    7:30pm



 6pm    7:30pm



 6pm    7:30pm
Thur  9am



 10am  .


 10am  .


 10am  .    6pm    

You may check Mailbox "3" on our voice mail

for advance notice of closed classes.

Teacher's color code is Ceci Stewart Lorrayne


DROP INS WELCOME!! All of these classes are good for all levels. All combine Postures, Breathing & Meditation. All classes are good for all levels, with our blend hard and soft yoga.

GENERAL TIPS: Please don't eat for 2-4 hours before class. Drink plenty of fluids up to 1 1/2 hours before class.

TUITION: One class is $17. 10-class card is $120. Twenty classes for $200.

One month pass unlimited (one class per day) is $145, then $125 for the second month, then $80/month therafter.

PRIVATE INSTRUCTION BY APPOINTMENT. Please call for your private, semiprivate and corporate appointment.

For your convenience, we accept VISA and MASTERCARD as well as cash & checks for payment.

Parking $1.50 with validation, park under the building, enter on La Cienega.

Call us at 1 (800) 700-YOGA or click on our e-mail address to contact us: yoga108@yogaonmelrose.com.

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   *Public Drop In Classes
   *Private Instruction
   *Gift Certificates
   *Reviews of our Yoga
  *Teacher Training / Franchises 
  *Ask The Yogi
  *Vitamin/Life Tips
   *Contact us by e-mail

Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read carefully all product packaging. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. copyright 2001 yoga on melrose all rights reserved yoga on melrose is a registered trademark and service mark.